I know summer is technically over, according to the calendar, but you guys we live in the South, and it’s still 90 degrees outside! So I’m going to enjoy my Aperol Spritz for a few more weeks. If you follow my instagram, you know I posted this little recipe to my stories a few weeks ago, but here it is again for you all to reference.

Aperol Spritz
1 part Aperol
1 part Prosecco
splash club soda
dash St. Germain (my twist)
Start with any glass full of ice.
Next add equal parts Aperol and Prosecco.
Helpful tip: With a small prosecco bottle, I use half a bottle.
Fill remaining glass with club soda, and a dash of St. Germain at the end, if a sweet drink is your thing.
Finally, Stir and enjoy!
A few notes about this cocktail, it’s actually an italian cocktail, and the best part, the recipe is on the back of an Aperol bottle…How Easy is that!?
I love this drink, because of the citrus profile. Now here’s my advice, I highly suggest, you order this cocktail at your favorite bar or restaurant next time you’re out and about… why? Aperol and St. Germain can be a little pricy! So you may not want to run out and buy these ingredients, until you know, you like it!
Also, no restaurant will automatically add the St. Germain, its not a traditional ingredient of the cocktail. Some use champagne, some, prosecco, so you may ask to add the St. Germain AFTER you’ve had a little taste test! I like a dash in mine, because I personally prefer a sweet cocktail. I hope you enjoy it!
Was that confusing? Surely not! But just in case, you can always watch this video!